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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What happens during the HealthECircuits BEST scan?
    You place your finger on the surface of the BEST scanner and an image of your finger is captured by the technology. We do this for each of your ten fingers, then this process is repeated. Once this is complete and the images are accepted, the analysis takes approximately 2 minutes.
  • Are there special precautions that I need to take prior to the BEST scan?
    It is best to refrain from alcohol 24 hours prior to your scan appointment. Also do not eat any wheat/gluten, or drink any caffeine 2 hours prior to your scan. This way, we eliminate any variables that may contribute to higher scan readings. Also, it is necessary to have short fingernails, nothing above the tip of the finger (as you look at your hand from the palm side). It is ok to have acrylic or polish on your nails, but your nails must be short. In addition you will want to refrain from heavy exercise for 36 hours prior to your scan – as the measurement will primarily forcus on the effects of that workout on your body systems. However if you wish to see how your body is doing under a particular workout program then assessing your body’s response with the BEST scan is a great way to ‘see’ and measure these effects. It is also recommended that you do not engage in any therapy for 36-48 hours prior to the scan, as with exercise, the scan will primarily assess how the therapy affected the body and nervous system. Using the BEST scan to optimize therapy outcomes is an excellent way to increase therapeutic effectiveness and efficiency.
  • How long does the scan take?
    Typically, the scan itself only takes 5 minutes while processing and analysis takes another 7 minutes. After the processing is complete, the results are shared with you in detail.
  • Does the scan hurt?
    No! After literally 1,000,000+ scans, there has never been an experience of injury as a result of the scan. The Biofield Energy Systems Technology scan is totally non-invasive and there is no exposure to any radiation or anything harmful.
  • Do I get the results?
    Yes, scan results are shared with you during your visit. A copy of your report is emailed to you post visit along with notes and recommendations that were discussed during your visit. As we go through the scan it is advised for you to take notes so that you can refer to them later on..
  • How often can you have a scan?
    Since the scan is completely non-invasive, you literally could have a scan anytime, or as many times in one day or over any period of time as you wish. Once you have the initial scan, called a “baseline” scan, typically it is recommended to have another scan in approximately 8-10 weeks to assess your progress, or the effectiveness of your therapy plan, or the status of your wellness goals. If you have no specific established goal, but you wish to assess your well-being, a scan is recommended every 3-6 months.
  • Is there research to support the science behind the scan?
    Indeed there is a great deal of research to support the science behind the technology. Please view our page on the The Technology Behind Our Scans
  • What is the science behind the idea of having HealthECircuits and the BEST scan?
    Yes, indeed! Please visit our blog that covers a lot of science and research that we have done on our scans.
  • Does the technology have FDA clearance?
    The technology achieved FDA clearance as a class 1 medical device in July 2016. It also fits the criteria as a wellness tool as defined by the FDA.
  • How often should I have a scan done?
    That depends on how actively you wish to monitor your health and wellness status. If you are in the process of reversing a disease, or chronic illness, or you are undergoing therapy, and wish to see how it is working then we advise that you have a scan more frequently, monthly is best to assess progress. Quarterly scans are the most effective at keeping you on track for reaching and maintaining your health and wellness goals. There is no harm to having a BEST Scan so you can have a scan as frequently as you would like.
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